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Our Story

Our Story

For over 135 years, Avon has been transforming the lives of women across the globe by giving them opportunity to earn and learn. We speak out on issues that matter to our communities, support the causes that allow women to live safe and enjoy their healthy lives.

Our founder David H. McConnell was a progressive pioneer, an impressive visionary, a courageous game-changer, and above all, a champion of women. From a small New York City office, McConnell mixed our first fragrances and recruited a team of women to be sales Representatives, He offered women the opportunity to become entrepreneurs.

It was a radical business model in 1886, but McConnell believed in the power of community and was passionate about giving women economic freedom.

“If we stop and look over the past and then into the future, we can see that the possibilities are growing greater and greater every day; that we have scarcely begun to reach the proper results from the field we have before us.”

— David H. McConnell